Economics Explored

Government vs. Private Sector: Who Generates Wealth? - EP247

Episode Summary

In this episode, Gene Tunny explores the relationship between government spending and wealth creation. He talks about President Obama’s memorable expression, “You didn’t build that”, and how economists think about the role of government and wealth creation. Gene discusses the roles of both the government and private sector in generating wealth and their impact on productivity, GDP and living standards.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Gene Tunny explores the relationship between government spending and wealth creation. He talks about President Obama’s memorable expression, “You didn’t build that”, and how economists think about the role of government and wealth creation. Gene discusses the roles of both the government and private sector in generating wealth and their impact on productivity, GDP and living standards.  

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What’s covered in EP247


  1. Government Spending and GDP: Government expenditures can contribute to GDP, but their efficiency and the type of spending critically determine their economic impact.
  2. Private Sector's Role: The private sector is essential in wealth creation due to its efficiency incentives, but it also depends on government-provided infrastructure and services.
  3. Crowding-out Effect: Excessive government spending can crowd out private investment, potentially reducing overall economic efficiency and growth.
  4. Cost-Benefit Analysis: It is vital to conduct thorough cost-benefit analyses for government projects to ensure that public funds are used effectively and do not become a drain on the economy.

Links relevant to the conversation

Dan Mitchell’s article on the impact of government spending on economic growth:

Dan’s article “OECD Economic Research Finds that Government Spending Harms Growth”

Episode on Alvin Hansen and Evsey Domar:

Episode on Thatcher:

Bacon and Eltis’s 1978 book “Britain’s Economic Problem: Too Few Producers”:


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Full transcripts are available a few days after the episode is first published at